Thanks for taking the time to consider supporting us! 

Raul is currently serving as Director of Spiritual Development at St. Patrick Presbyterian Church and will be starting his Masters in Christian Formation and Soul Care in the fall at Denver Seminary. It will take approximately four years to complete the program as a part-time student). 

Please fill out the information below, print it out and send it to the address below. ALL GIFTS ARE PROCESSED THROUGH ST. PATRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AND ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Name _____________________  Email ____________________ 
Address ________________________City ____________ State _____ Zip __________

We’d like to commit $ ________/month for the next four years.
We’d like to commit $ ________/month for the next ____ years beginning on ___/___/___
We’d like to give a one-time gift of $ _______
We’d like to commit to pray regularly for the Cruz’s

Please send all contributions to:
Cruz Support
c/o St. Patrick Presbyterian Church
P.O Box 65 
Greeley, CO 80632

THANK YOU! can tear here ......................................................................